Donors to UNE support a wide variety of initiatives, including academic programs, global experiences, faculty enrichment, and research, varsity and club athletics, financial aid and scholarships, 还有许多提高学生生活质量的学生俱乐部和组织.

了解全球网络赌博平台的学生如何努力解决我们在当今世界面临的挑战. 这些学生的故事之所以成为可能,是因为全球网络赌博平台从捐助者那里得到了慈善支持. 他们的慈善事业支持全球网络赌博平台的学生追求新思想,改变世界.

U N E student Megan Hanks stands in front of a waterfall

This has been an incredible experience for me. 因为这次机会,我学到了很多全球网络赌博平台我想做什么和我未来要去哪里. If the SURE program had been an unpaid internship, 我可能无法追求这个绝佳的机会.

Art, Environmental Science
Headshot of U N E student Ashely Kang

Funding for programs like these really matters. 我很幸运能够成为这段经历的一部分.

Chemistry, Medical Biology

I think this is a great opportunity. 我最喜欢的部分是,我不仅在实地工作,而且还在实验室进行研究和分析. I get a huge variety of skills.

Marine Sciences (Marine Biology Track), Neuroscience
Mike Alen portrait

Donors who give to academic research are very important. 它们不仅进步了我们的知识,也进步了人类.

Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.)
headshot of u n e student caitlyn daly

我想对那些为全球网络赌博平台的研究捐款的人说一声“谢谢”. 您的慷慨帮助我进行研究,这为我提供了很多机会来扩展我的知识,并对我们的社区产生更大的影响.

Dental Medicine (D.M.D.)
U N E marine science student Katie Dimm
(教员们的)支持塑造了我的经历,这也是为什么我有这么多了不起的事情正在发生. With their collective expertise, 我已经能够进行我知道会产生影响的前沿研究.
Marine Science
UNE Communications student Jack Allsopp

When I discovered the University of New England, I felt the size of the school would be perfect for me...I was also attracted to UNE’s Global Education program. 在摩洛哥度过一个学期是我做过的最好的决定之一.

Communications and Media Arts
Andrew Elkinson
Medical Biology
Headshot of Bethany Brodbeck
这个研究机会让我在全球网络赌博平台的经历变得不可思议! 我学到了在课堂上学不到的研究方法, 我非常感谢捐助者,是他们让这成为我生命中最有意义的经历之一.
Marine Sciences (Marine Biology Track)
Headshot of Lydia Pinard

全球网络赌博平台进行研究是我一生中做过的最有意义的事情之一. It really feels like I am making a difference in my field.

Marine Science
Emma McCormac
Without knowing about my project or myself, 某人送给全球网络赌博平台的礼物让我得以搬到缅因州南部过暑假,并在暑假里有一份全职的专业工作.
Medical Biology
Julianne Stockbridge
如果没有亨利·L·路德·金的慷慨帮助,我永远也做不出这个项目. and Grace Doherty Foundation.
Bailey Mortiz
多尔蒂基金会愿意冒险投资一个非常独特的项目. 我真的很感激他们愿意支持我的许多同事,我觉得这是一个具有巨大潜力的方法.
Phoebe Walsh
Without the Doherty Foundation and this fellowship, I wouldn't have been able to afford this opportunity. 通过PSM项目和我从中获得的经验,我将能够真正塑造我的未来.
Hillevi Jaegerman
Kara Auclair
The Charlene B. 雷德尔奖学金真的让我安心了. 这对我集中精力学习的能力产生了巨大的影响.
Kimberly Donoghue
I think a lot of students, especially in Maine, 因为小的经济困难而没有上大学的机会. 我发现奖学金对像我这样的学生来说真的很重要.
Marine Science
Bri Walker


Elementary Education
Michael Alberto
Pharmacy isn’t just about dispensing medications; it’s about establishing a connection with a patient and using that connection to establish trust. That is one aspect of pharmacy that I really enjoy.
ariella danziger
我认为,如果人们能够看到学生们在全球网络赌博平台所做的一切, 他们会大吃一惊,因为我们探索了这么多不同的可能性和兴趣. There's always something amazing going on at UNE.
缅因州医生未来奖学金使我有可能在缅因州工作. 现在,我可以照顾缅因州的女性,让她们度过一生,并回馈我受训的社区.
我非常感谢赫斯特基金会为我提供了这个绝佳的机会,使我能够进一步实现我的教育目标. I truly cannot thank them enough.
Without the Doctors for Maine’s Future Scholarship, 我可以说我有义务选择一个不同的, out of state institution...I can now attend medical school in Maine.
fahey and orff
为了挽救这个州宝贵的商业产业,自然和入侵捕食的真正问题需要得到解决. UNE致力于以社区为基础的研究项目,并解决现实生活中的问题.